Bags To Go strive to give the lowest prices and the best possible service. If you find a competitor with a lower advertised price simply contact us with the link or let us know where you have seen the item at a lower price. Once we have verified the lower price we will beat the competitors price (authorised stockist only) and email you with a discount code to use on our site. The price must be advertised and in-store quotes do not apply.
Even if you have shopped elsewhere and found a cheaper price on an identical item please let us know. We don’t like to be beaten!
Price beat guarantee excludes closing down sales, extraordinary stock liquidations, trade quotes or other discount coupons.
- Price beat only applies to items which are exactly the same colour and model.
- Price beat is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotional items offered on our site (Free gift, additional discount etc)
- We don’t charge shipping for orders over $80, so make sure the final price is inclusive of shipping charges and any other additional fees and charges.
- We reserve the right to decline a price beat for items listed on eBay as we are not always able to verify their authenticity.
- Price must be in Australian Dollars, be an Australian registered business and an approved Australian reseller of the branded product.
- Items must be in stock
- Excludes SCEC and Pelican Products. Let us know if you find a cheaper price.
- We reserve the right to decline a price beat/match if it’s not commercially viable.
If you have any questions please contact us and include as much info as possible.
We strive to have the lowest prices on the best quality luggage. This includes all items on our site such as: Antler, Samsonite, Victorinox, Swiss Gear, High Sierra, Delsey, American Tourister.